Friday, January 22, 2010

What's For Dinner?

When the boys were about 6 months old I discovered making weekly menus for our meals.

It seemed when dinner time rolled around every night I was left standing in the kitchen scratching my head about what's for dinner. Sure I would grocery shop every week and pick up things we were out of and ingredients for meals that came to my head while walking the grocery store aisles, but putting it together on a daily basis became such a task that I dreaded so much. (You know the feeling... I just spent $150 at the grocery story and there is nothing to eat!)
Now before I go to the grocery store each week I sit down with my recipe binder, pull out the recipes I'd like to use, make my list of ingredients needed from that and then write on my calendar or menus what we are having each night.

Sometime before lunch each day I glance at the menu and/or calendar to know what, if anything, I need to thaw out for dinner. And when dinner time approaches I grab my recipe and I'm good to go. It makes cooking so enjoyable to me, and certainly cuts down on not having all the necessary ingredients or eating out/ordering pizza in a pinch.

How do you plan your meals?

1 comment:

  1. great idea...i feel the same way and i feel like i make the same things week after week...would love to know what you are cooking up!

    thanks for stopping by my blog!
