Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did You Take The Pledge?

I don't watch Oprah much anymore, but I happen to watch this week when she had the story about talking/texting on your cell phone while driving. Whoa, it was so tough to watch!

I could never live with myself if I let my cell phone ruin my family or any other. This is serious! So I've taken the pledge to not text or talk while driving. If I need to communicate with anyone I can pull over and stop first, or it can wait.

This is very timely for me as well because a new law came into effect Jan 1st here in Austin where you can be pulled over and ticketed if caught texting while driving.

Won't you take the pledge?

1 comment:

  1. i didn't watch this one, but i have read/heard how it is like driving i need to stop as well...good for you!

    thanks for stopping by...your boys are so cute! and i know these wonderful phases will past, thank goodness!
